• “Young European – a mobile, broadly educated professional”

    Zespół Szkół nr. 2 w Starachowicach, POLAND 11th – 24th September 2016 Project number:  2015-1-PL0l-KAI02-016123 For the second time in this project we had a pleasure to host a group from lovely Starachowice. 17 students from the area of logistics had visited us to broaden their practical knowledge while having

  • TTTE

    OpenCom, ITALY July – September 2016 Project number: 2014-1-IT01-KA102-002326 W had a pleasure to host 4 students from TTTE Project. They had their internship in restaurants, bars and tourism design, while studying Portuguese language, visiting interesting cities and getting to know the culture. It was lovely to have you hear!

  • Fashion Professionals

    OpenCom, ITALY June – August 2016 Project number: 2014-1-IT01-KA102-002327 Once again, we hosted 2 students from Fashion Professional Project. They had their internship in fashion factory while studying Portuguese language, visiting interesting cities and getting to know the culture.


    OpenCom, ITALY June – August 2016 Project number: 2014-1-IT01-KA102-002332 Once again we had a pleasure to host students from OpenCom Italy. This time they stayed for two months having internships in the company related to renewable energies and electricity. They studies Portuguese language and culture, visited some lovely cities during